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MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:scripting:lua [ 5078] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component handling-loader:five [ 5078] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component nui:gsclient [ 5078] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:scripting:mono [ 5078] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:devtools [ 5078] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component nui:profiles [ 5078] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component tool:formats [ 5078] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:resources:metadata:lua [ 5078] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:mod-loader:five [ 5078] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:scripting:v8node [ 5078] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component fxdk:main [ 5078] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:playernames:five [ 5078] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:scripting:lua54 [ 5078] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component devtools:five [ 5078] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component discord [ 5078] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:scripting:mono-v2 [ 5078] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component tool:vehrec [ 5078] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component adhesive [ 5141] [ ROSLauncher] 33352/ SC JS message: SetUpdateProgress -> {"bytesPerSecond":0,"bytesProgress":49828848,"bytesTotal":49828848,"progress":"100.00","status":"","titleName":"gta5"} [ 5141] [ ROSLauncher] 33352/ SC JS message: SetUpdateProgress -> {"bytesPerSecond":0,"bytesProgress":0,"bytesTotal":0,"progress":"0.00","status":"","titleName":"gta5"} [ 5141] [ ROSLauncher] 33352/ SC JS message: SetTitleInfo (gta5) -> {"batchEnd":true,"branches":[{"branchName":13,"friendlyName":"default","isDefault":true}],"currentBranch":13,"currentBranchFriendlyName":"default","currentVersion":"1.0.2944.0","externalInstall":[],"friendlyName":"Grand Theft 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[ 6953] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ Done creating backbuffer. [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patch2023_01_G9ECCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patch2023_01CRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay28G9ECNGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay28NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay27G9ECNGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay27NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDayG9ECNGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay26NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay25NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay24NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay23NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay22NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay21NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay20NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY19NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY18NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY17NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY16NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY15NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY14NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY13NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY12NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY11NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY10NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchday9NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY8NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay7NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay6NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay5NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay4NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay3NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay2bNGCRC:/content.xml [ 9203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay2NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9219] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay1NGCRC:/content.xml [ 9219] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpPatchesNGCRC:/content.xml [ 9391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NullInitializeGraphics [ 9531] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^2Opening \\.\pipe\GTAVLauncher_Pipe, waiting for launcher to load... [ 9531] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^2Launcher gave all-clear - waiting for pipe. [ 9531] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^2Launcher is fine, continuing to initialize! [ 9547] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_CORE init functions [ 9687] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (55 total) [ 9687] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking InitSystem INIT_CORE init (1 out of 55) [ 9687] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CShaderLib INIT_CORE init (2 out of 55) [ 9797] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking PostFX INIT_CORE init (3 out of 55) [ 9812] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGtaAnimManager INIT_CORE init (4 out of 55) [ 9812] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_CORE init (5 out of 55) [ 9828] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xa0f39fb6 INIT_CORE init (6 out of 55) [ 9828] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_CORE init (7 out of 55) [ 9828] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_CORE init (8 out of 55) [ 9828] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngine INIT_CORE init (9 out of 55) [ 9953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCheat INIT_CORE init (10 out of 55) [ 9953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CClock INIT_CORE init (11 out of 55) [ 9953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCullZones INIT_CORE init (12 out of 55) [ 9953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExpensiveProcessDistributer INIT_CORE init (13 out of 55) [ 9953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameLogic INIT_CORE init (14 out of 55) [ 9953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xaa19234e INIT_CORE init (15 out of 55) [ 9953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CutSceneManagerWrapper INIT_CORE init (16 out of 55) [ 9953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAnimSceneManager INIT_CORE init (17 out of 55) [ 9953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPortalTracker INIT_CORE init (18 out of 55) [ 9953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetwork INIT_CORE init (19 out of 55) [ 10031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CObjectPopulationNY INIT_CORE init (20 out of 55) [ 10031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking COcclusion INIT_CORE init (21 out of 55) [ 10031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPlantMgr INIT_CORE init (22 out of 55) [ 10094] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CShaderHairSort INIT_CORE init (23 out of 55) [ 10094] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetworkTelemetry INIT_CORE init (24 out of 55) [ 10094] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopulationStreamingWrapper INIT_CORE init (25 out of 55) [ 10094] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderer INIT_CORE init (26 out of 55) [ 10328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CReplayMgr INIT_CORE init (27 out of 55) [ 10328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking VideoRecording INIT_CORE init (28 out of 55) [ 10328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking VideoPlayback INIT_CORE init (29 out of 55) [ 10328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking VideoPlaybackThumbnailManager INIT_CORE init (30 out of 55) [ 10328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x8930d2f7 INIT_CORE init (31 out of 55) [ 10328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStatsMgr INIT_CORE init (32 out of 55) [ 10469] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CFrontendStatsMgr INIT_CORE init (33 out of 55) [ 10469] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CControllerLabelMgr INIT_CORE init (34 out of 55) [ 10484] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStuntJumpManager INIT_CORE init (35 out of 55) [ 10484] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTheScripts INIT_CORE init (36 out of 55) [ 10719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptAreas INIT_CORE init (37 out of 55) [ 10719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptDebug INIT_CORE init (38 out of 55) [ 10719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptHud INIT_CORE init (39 out of 55) [ 10719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptPedAIBlips INIT_CORE init (40 out of 55) [ 10719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_CORE init (41 out of 55) [ 10719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWaypointRecording INIT_CORE init (42 out of 55) [ 10719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleRecordingMgr INIT_CORE init (43 out of 55) [ 10719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTaskClassInfoManager INIT_CORE init (44 out of 55) [ 10719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTuningManager INIT_CORE init (45 out of 55) [ 10734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAppDataMgr INIT_CORE init (46 out of 55) [ 10734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetRespawnMgr INIT_CORE init (47 out of 55) [ 10734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAgitatedManager INIT_CORE init (48 out of 55) [ 10734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioActionManager INIT_CORE init (49 out of 55) [ 10734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehiclePopulation INIT_CORE init (50 out of 55) [ 10734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPostScan INIT_CORE init (51 out of 55) [ 10734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExtraMetadataMgr INIT_CORE init (52 out of 55) [ 10734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking BackgroundScripts INIT_CORE init (53 out of 55) [ 10734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CIplCullBox INIT_CORE init (54 out of 55) [ 10734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking perfClearingHouse INIT_CORE init (55 out of 55) [ 10734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 2 (11 total) [ 10734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScene INIT_CORE init (1 out of 11) [ 10922] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking MeshBlendManager INIT_CORE init (2 out of 11) [ 10922] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVisualEffects INIT_CORE init (3 out of 11) [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking ViewportSystemInit INIT_CORE init (4 out of 11) [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhoneMgr INIT_CORE init (5 out of 11) [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhotoManager INIT_CORE init (6 out of 11) [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CLODLightManager INIT_CORE init (7 out of 11) [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CLODLights INIT_CORE init (8 out of 11) [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking AmbientLights INIT_CORE init (9 out of 11) [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGps INIT_CORE init (10 out of 11) [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedAILodManager INIT_CORE init (11 out of 11) [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 3 (20 total) [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPauseMenu INIT_CORE init (1 out of 20) [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA menuAud:/x64/audio/dlcTuner_sounds.dat. [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading menuAud:/x64/audio/dlcTuner_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK menuaud:/x64/audio/sfx/dlc_Tuner_Music. [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading menuaud:/x64/audio/sfx/dlc_Tuner_Music in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking cStoreScreenMgr INIT_CORE init (2 out of 20) [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVideoEditorUI INIT_CORE init (3 out of 20) [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking WatermarkRenderer INIT_CORE init (4 out of 20) [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMousePointer INIT_CORE init (5 out of 20) [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTextInputBox INIT_CORE init (6 out of 20) [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x602ee6e2 INIT_CORE init (7 out of 20) [ 11016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMiniMap INIT_CORE init (8 out of 20) [ 11031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNewHud INIT_CORE init (9 out of 20) [ 11031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x4bfbfa2c INIT_CORE init (10 out of 20) [ 11031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking WarningScreen INIT_CORE init (11 out of 20) [ 11031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBusySpinner INIT_CORE init (12 out of 20) [ 11031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking camManager INIT_CORE init (13 out of 20) [ 11031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDLCScript INIT_CORE init (14 out of 20) [ 11031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameStreamMgr INIT_CORE init (15 out of 20) [ 11047] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x4d167300 INIT_CORE init (16 out of 20) [ 11047] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwMetaDataStore INIT_CORE init (17 out of 20) [ 11047] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CReplayCoordinator INIT_CORE init (18 out of 20) [ 11047] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVideoEditorInterface INIT_CORE init (19 out of 20) [ 11047] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking UI3DDrawManager INIT_CORE init (20 out of 20) [ 11047] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_CORE init functions! [ 12672] [b2944_GTAProce] CrBrowserMain/ OnConnectionProgress: Requesting server variables... [ 12781] [b2944_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: Requesting authentication ticket... [ 13031] [b2944_GTAProce] UV loop: tcp0/ Getting auth ticket for pipe appID 218 - should be 218. [ 13031] [b2944_GTAProce] UV loop: tcp0/ OnConnectionProgress: Obtaining Steam ticket... [ 13469] [b2944_GTAProce] Steam Worker Thread/ OnConnectionProgress: Handshaking with server... [ 14016] [b2944_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: monitor: Deferring connection... [ 14016] [b2944_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ [ 14016] [b2944_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: monitor: [ 14016] [b2944_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ [txAdmin] Checking banlist/whitelist... (0/5) [ 14016] [b2944_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ [ 14094] [b2944_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: monitor: [ 14094] [b2944_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ [txAdmin] Checking banlist/whitelist... (1/5) [ 14094] [b2944_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ [ 14125] [b2944_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: Requesting server endpoints... [ 14172] [b2944_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: Requesting server permissions... [ 14422] [b2944_GTAProce] CrBrowserMain/ OnConnectionProgress: Requesting server feature policy... [ 14750] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content [ 14812] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest... [ 14859] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (16.38 kB) [ 14922] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (37.08 kB) [ 14984] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (46.74 kB) [ 15047] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (55.01 kB) [ 15266] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (137.77 kB) [ 15328] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (152.94 kB) [ 15375] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (158.46 kB) [ 15437] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (163.97 kB) [ 15672] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (236.67 kB) [ 15719] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (242.19 kB) [ 15781] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (273.20 kB) [ 15828] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (306.31 kB) [ 15891] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (321.48 kB) [ 15953] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (344.24 kB) [ 16000] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (378.72 kB) [ 16109] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (402.18 kB) [ 16156] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (414.59 kB) [ 16219] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (445.90 kB) [ 16281] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (451.42 kB) [ 16344] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (481.76 kB) [ 16391] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (487.28 kB) [ 16453] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (496.93 kB) [ 16516] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (520.39 kB) [ 16687] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (524.45 kB) [ 16750] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (557.28 kB) [ 16812] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (560.04 kB) [ 16859] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (565.56 kB) [ 16922] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (598.66 kB) [ 16969] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (602.80 kB) [ 17031] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (636.83 kB) [ 17094] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (642.34 kB) [ 17141] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (678.20 kB) [ 17203] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (700.27 kB) [ 17250] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (722.34 kB) [ 17312] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (762.31 kB) [ 17359] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (765.07 kB) [ 17422] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (767.83 kB) [ 17469] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (800.93 kB) [ 17531] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (803.68 kB) [ 17594] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (806.44 kB) [ 17703] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (807.82 kB) [ 17750] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (816.10 kB) [ 17812] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (826.23 kB) [ 17859] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Loading content manifest... [ 18047] [b2944_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ Required resources: sessionmanager monitor mapmanager yarn webpack chat spawnmanager basic-gamemode hardcap baseevents vMenu auto_exotics edynuyllj emmello_super_secret NurburgringNordschleife akina casino_rallycross daikoku daytona eagle_nest_part_1 eagle_nest_part_2 fivem-map-skater jr_bridge kag_bridge kagara_remastered ml_convention_centre ml_derby wangan FiveM-Material_Load-Loading-Screen final_teleport maploader water-world world_boundaries [ 18094] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying monitor (1 of 33 - 7.66/26.35 MiB) [ 18156] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying monitor (1 of 33 - 23.23/26.35 MiB) [ 18219] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying vMenu (10 of 33 - 0.24/2.14 MiB) [ 18266] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted emmello_super_secret (14 of 33) [ 18328] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted final_teleport (30 of 33) [ 18469] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted world_boundaries (33 of 33) [ 18469] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading completed [ 18516] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Fetching info from server... [ 18703] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Connecting to server... [ 18828] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ CitizenFX Steam child starting - command line: "C:\Users\radek\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\data\cache\subprocess\FiveM_SteamChild.exe" -steamparent:33216 [ 18828] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ Initializing Steam parent. [ 18844] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ Initializing Steam parent: Steam's running. [ 18891] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ Initializing Steam parent: Initializing presence. [ 18891] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ Initializing Steam parent: Attempting to run processes. [ 19031] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ CitizenFX Steam child starting - command line: "C:\Users\radek\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\data\cache\subprocess\FiveM_SteamChild.exe" -steamchild:16116 [ 19031] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ game parent PID: 16116 [ 19031] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ waiting for process to exit... [ 19031] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ ^2Received connectOK: ServerID 26, SlotID 128, HostID 65535 [ 19094] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ ^2Network connected, triggering initial game load... [ 19172] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init functions [ 19172] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading default meta overrides (total: 0) [ 19172] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Done loading default meta overrides! [ 19172] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (31 total) [ 19172] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGtaAnimManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (1 out of 31) [ 19172] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorld INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (2 out of 31) [ 19172] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGarages INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (3 out of 31) [ 19172] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CHandlingDataMgr INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (4 out of 31) [ 19187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 254 handling entries from commoncrc:/data/handling.meta [ 19187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking INSTANCESTORE INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (5 out of 31) [ 19187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapAreas INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (6 out of 31) [ 19187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwMapTypesStore INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (7 out of 31) [ 19187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CModelInfo INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (8 out of 31) [ 19187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPatrolRoutes INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (9 out of 31) [ 19187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopZones INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (10 out of 31) [ 19187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapZoneManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (11 out of 31) [ 19187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhysics INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (12 out of 31) [ 19187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (13 out of 31) [ 19187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking Water INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (14 out of 31) [ 19187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking COcclusion INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (15 out of 31) [ 19187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (16 out of 31) [ 19187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (17 out of 31) [ 19187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (18 out of 31) [ 19187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTVPlaylistManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (19 out of 31) [ 19187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAmbientModelSetManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (20 out of 31) [ 19203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CLadderMetadataManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (21 out of 31) [ 19203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (22 out of 31) [ 19234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CConditionalAnimManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (23 out of 31) [ 19234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleMetadataMgr INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (24 out of 31) [ 19266] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRandomEventManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (25 out of 31) [ 19266] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCrimeInformationManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (26 out of 31) [ 19266] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWitnessInformationManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (27 out of 31) [ 19266] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPortal INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (28 out of 31) [ 19266] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking LightEntityMgr INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (29 out of 31) [ 19266] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking AnimBlackboard INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (30 out of 31) [ 19266] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathServer::InitBeforeMapLoaded INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (31 out of 31) [ 19437] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init functions! [ 19656] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ LoadScreenFuncs::OnEnd: Instrumented function 0x140ded390 (2) took 185msec [ 19797] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ LoadScreenFuncs::OnEnd: Instrumented function 0x140905114 (53) took 131msec [ 21016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ LoadScreenFuncs::OnEnd: Instrumented function 0x1407f1f08 (56) took 1221msec [ 21141] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ LoadScreenFuncs::OnEnd: Instrumented function 0x140931574 (33) took 80msec [ 21234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init functions [ 21234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (29 total) [ 21234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngine INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (1 out of 29) [ 21234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CClock INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (2 out of 29) [ 21234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CEventDataManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (3 out of 29) [ 21234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CHandlingDataMgr INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (4 out of 29) [ 21234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapAreas INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (5 out of 29) [ 21234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPed INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (6 out of 29) [ 21234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopCycle INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (7 out of 29) [ 21250] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopZones INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (8 out of 29) [ 21250] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapZoneManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (9 out of 29) [ 21250] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopulationStreamingWrapper INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (10 out of 29) [ 21250] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStatsMgr INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (11 out of 29) [ 21250] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStreamingRequestList INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (12 out of 29) [ 21250] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTask INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (13 out of 29) [ 21250] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (14 out of 29) [ 21250] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleModelInfo INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (15 out of 29) [ 21687] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehiclePopulation INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (16 out of 29) [ 21687] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking Water INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (17 out of 29) [ 21703] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorldHeightMap INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (18 out of 29) [ 21703] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorldWaterHeight INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (19 out of 29) [ 21703] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAmbientAnimationManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (20 out of 29) [ 21703] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAmbientAudioManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (21 out of 29) [ 21703] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetwork INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (22 out of 29) [ 21703] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (23 out of 29) [ 21797] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwAnimDirector INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (24 out of 29) [ 21812] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (25 out of 29) [ 21812] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (26 out of 29) [ 21812] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CThePopMultiplierAreas INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (27 out of 29) [ 21812] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking MeshBlendManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (28 out of 29) [ 21812] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CProceduralInfo INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (29 out of 29) [ 21812] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 2 (2 total) [ 21812] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVisualEffects INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (1 out of 2) [ 21875] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedModelInfo INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (2 out of 2) [ 21875] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init functions! [ 21875] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_SESSION init functions [ 22250] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/daikoku/daikoku_props.ymap.xml: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 22297] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/maploader/anything that should be stream can go here.txt: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 22328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (5 total) [ 22328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleRecordingMgr INIT_SESSION init (1 out of 5) [ 22328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStreaming INIT_SESSION init (2 out of 5) [ 22328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CFocusEntityMgr INIT_SESSION init (3 out of 5) [ 22328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngine INIT_SESSION init (4 out of 5) [ 23844] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGtaAnimManager INIT_SESSION init (5 out of 5) [ 23844] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 2 (84 total) [ 23844] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CModelInfo::Init INIT_SESSION init (1 out of 84) [ 23844] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CInstanceListAssetLoader::Init INIT_SESSION init (2 out of 84) [ 23953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTask INIT_SESSION init (3 out of 84) [ 23953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioPointManagerInitSession INIT_SESSION init (4 out of 84) [ 23953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderPhaseCascadeShadowsInterface INIT_SESSION init (5 out of 84) [ 23953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwAnimDirector INIT_SESSION init (6 out of 84) [ 23953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_SESSION init (7 out of 84) [ 23953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_SESSION init (8 out of 84) [ 23953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_SESSION init (9 out of 84) [ 23953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTaskRecover INIT_SESSION init (10 out of 84) [ 23953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking camManager INIT_SESSION init (11 out of 84) [ 23969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAssistedMovementRouteStore INIT_SESSION init (12 out of 84) [ 23969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBuses INIT_SESSION init (13 out of 84) [ 23969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCheat INIT_SESSION init (14 out of 84) [ 23969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CControlMgr INIT_SESSION init (15 out of 84) [ 23969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameLogic INIT_SESSION init (16 out of 84) [ 23969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorld INIT_SESSION init (17 out of 84) [ 23969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGarages INIT_SESSION init (18 out of 84) [ 23969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGps INIT_SESSION init (19 out of 84) [ 23969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CJunctions INIT_SESSION init (20 out of 84) [ 23969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathZoneManager INIT_SESSION init (21 out of 84) [ 23969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMessages INIT_SESSION init (22 out of 84) [ 23969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetwork INIT_SESSION init (23 out of 84) [ 23969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CObjectPopulationNY INIT_SESSION init (24 out of 84) [ 23969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathFind INIT_SESSION init (25 out of 84) [ 23969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPed INIT_SESSION init (26 out of 84) [ 23984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedModelInfo INIT_SESSION init (27 out of 84) [ 23984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedPopulation INIT_SESSION init (28 out of 84) [ 23984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPerformance INIT_SESSION init (29 out of 84) [ 23984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedAILodManager INIT_SESSION init (30 out of 84) [ 23984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleAILodManager INIT_SESSION init (31 out of 84) [ 23984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhoneMgr INIT_SESSION init (32 out of 84) [ 23984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhotoManager INIT_SESSION init (33 out of 84) [ 23984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhysics INIT_SESSION init (34 out of 84) [ 23984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPickupManager INIT_SESSION init (35 out of 84) [ 23984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetworkTelemetry INIT_SESSION init (36 out of 84) [ 23984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopCycle INIT_SESSION init (37 out of 84) [ 23984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CProcObjectMan INIT_SESSION init (38 out of 84) [ 23984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CReplayMgr INIT_SESSION init (39 out of 84) [ 23984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRestart INIT_SESSION init (40 out of 84) [ 23984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScaleformMgr INIT_SESSION init (41 out of 84) [ 23984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CSlownessZonesManager INIT_SESSION init (42 out of 84) [ 23984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStreamingRequestList INIT_SESSION init (43 out of 84) [ 24000] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStuntJumpManager INIT_SESSION init (44 out of 84) [ 24000] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CActionManager INIT_SESSION init (45 out of 84) [ 24016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderTargetMgr INIT_SESSION init (46 out of 84) [ 24016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTheScripts INIT_SESSION init (47 out of 84) [ 24016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptAreas INIT_SESSION init (48 out of 84) [ 24016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptCars INIT_SESSION init (49 out of 84) [ 24016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptPeds INIT_SESSION init (50 out of 84) [ 24016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptEntities INIT_SESSION init (51 out of 84) [ 24016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptDebug INIT_SESSION init (52 out of 84) [ 24016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptHud INIT_SESSION init (53 out of 84) [ 24016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptPedAIBlips INIT_SESSION init (54 out of 84) [ 24016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStatsMgr INIT_SESSION init (55 out of 84) [ 24016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_SESSION init (56 out of 84) [ 24016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CUserDisplay INIT_SESSION init (57 out of 84) [ 24016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehiclePopulation INIT_SESSION init (58 out of 84) [ 24016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVisualEffects INIT_SESSION init (59 out of 84) [ 24234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDispatchData INIT_SESSION init (60 out of 84) [ 24234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRoadBlock INIT_SESSION init (61 out of 84) [ 24234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWeaponManager INIT_SESSION init (62 out of 84) [ 24344] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptedGunTaskMetadataMgr INIT_SESSION init (63 out of 84) [ 24344] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleCombatAvoidanceArea INIT_SESSION init (64 out of 84) [ 24344] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCombatInfoMgr INIT_SESSION init (65 out of 84) [ 24344] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCombatDirector INIT_SESSION init (66 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleChaseDirector INIT_SESSION init (67 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBoatChaseDirector INIT_SESSION init (68 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTacticalAnalysis INIT_SESSION init (69 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCoverFinder INIT_SESSION init (70 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWorldPoints INIT_SESSION init (71 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwTimer INIT_SESSION init (72 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking PostFX INIT_SESSION init (73 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderer INIT_SESSION init (74 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking ViewportSystemInitLevel INIT_SESSION init (75 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameSituation INIT_SESSION init (76 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPrioritizedClipSetRequestManager INIT_SESSION init (77 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPrioritizedClipSetStreamer INIT_SESSION init (78 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CSituationalClipSetStreamer INIT_SESSION init (79 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CClipDictionaryStoreInterface INIT_SESSION init (80 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRiots INIT_SESSION init (81 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCover INIT_SESSION init (82 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExtraMetadataMgr::ClassInit INIT_SESSION init (83 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking BackgroundScripts INIT_SESSION init (84 out of 84) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 3 (18 total) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CText INIT_SESSION init (1 out of 18) [ 24359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMiniMap INIT_SESSION init (2 out of 18) [ 24375] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNewHud INIT_SESSION init (3 out of 18) [ 24391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x4bfbfa2c INIT_SESSION init (4 out of 18) [ 24391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBusySpinner INIT_SESSION init (5 out of 18) [ 24391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMultiplayerChat INIT_SESSION init (6 out of 18) [ 24391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExplosionManager INIT_SESSION init (7 out of 18) [ 24391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPickupDataManager INIT_SESSION init (8 out of 18) [ 24391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopulationStreaming INIT_SESSION init (9 out of 18) [ 24391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDecoratorInterface INIT_SESSION init (10 out of 18) [ 24391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioManager INIT_SESSION init (11 out of 18) [ 24391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGestureManager INIT_SESSION init (12 out of 18) [ 24391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTexLod INIT_SESSION init (13 out of 18) [ 24391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathServer::InitSession INIT_SESSION init (14 out of 18) [ 24391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPauseMenu INIT_SESSION init (15 out of 18) [ 24391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExtraContentWrapper INIT_SESSION init (16 out of 18) [ 24391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPBeachCRC:/content.xml [ 24406] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 4 handling entries from dlcMPBeachCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 24422] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpChristmasCRC:/content.xml [ 24422] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPValentinesCRC:/content.xml [ 24437] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from dlcMPValentinesCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 24453] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPBusinessCRC:/content.xml [ 24469] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 4 handling entries from dlcMPBusinessCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 24500] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpBusiness2CRC:/content.xml [ 24500] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 4 handling entries from dlc_mpBusiness2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 24516] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPHipsterCRC:/content.xml [ 24531] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 7 handling entries from dlcMPHipsterCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 24562] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpIndependenceCRC:/content.xml [ 24578] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from dlc_mpIndependenceCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 24594] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPPilotCRC:/content.xml [ 24609] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 4 handling entries from dlcMpPilotCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 24625] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPLTSCRC:/content.xml [ 24641] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 3 handling entries from dlcMPLTSCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 24672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpChristmas2CRC:/content.xml [ 24687] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 4 handling entries from dlc_mpChristmas2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 24703] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPHeistCRC:/content.xml [ 24766] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 16 handling entries from dlcMPHeistCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 24844] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpLuxeCRC:/content.xml [ 24859] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 6 handling entries from dlc_mpLuxeCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 24891] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpLuxe2CRC:/content.xml [ 24906] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 6 handling entries from dlc_mpLuxe2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 24937] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpReplayCRC:/content.xml [ 24937] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpLowriderCRC:/content.xml [ 24984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 6 handling entries from dlc_mpLowriderCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 25031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPHalloweenCRC:/content.xml [ 25047] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 2 handling entries from dlcMPHalloweenCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 25062] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpApartmentCRC:/content.xml [ 25094] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 18 handling entries from dlc_mpApartmentCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 25141] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpxmas_604490CRC:/content.xml [ 25156] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from dlc_mpxmas_604490CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 25156] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpJanuary2016CRC:/content.xml [ 25172] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 2 handling entries from dlc_mpJanuary2016CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 25203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpValentines2CRC:/content.xml [ 25203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from dlc_mpValentines2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 25219] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpLowrider2CRC:/content.xml [ 25250] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 7 handling entries from dlc_mpLowrider2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 25281] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpExecutiveCRC:/content.xml [ 25328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 14 handling entries from dlc_mpExecutiveCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 25359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpStuntCRC:/content.xml [ 25391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 15 handling entries from dlc_mpStuntCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 25437] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpBikerCRC:/content.xml [ 25547] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 21 handling entries from dlc_mpBikerCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 25625] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpImportExportCRC:/content.xml [ 25672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 23 handling entries from dlc_mpImportExportCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 25734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpSpecialRacesCRC:/content.xml [ 25766] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 4 handling entries from dlc_mpSpecialRacesCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 25781] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpGunRunningCRC:/content.xml [ 25859] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 18 handling entries from dlc_mpGunRunningCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 26047] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpAirRacesCRC:/content.xml [ 26078] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpSmugglerCRC:/content.xml [ 26141] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 19 handling entries from dlc_mpSmugglerCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 26266] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpChristmas2017CRC:/content.xml [ 26375] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 29 handling entries from dlc_mpChristmas2017CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 26547] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpAssaultCRC:/content.xml [ 26578] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 16 handling entries from dlc_mpassaultCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 26641] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpBattleCRC:/content.xml [ 26703] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 14 handling entries from dlc_mpBattleCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 26812] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpChristmas2018CRC:/content.xml [ 27000] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 33 handling entries from dlc_mpChristmas2018CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 27234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpVinewoodCRC:/content.xml [ 27328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 22 handling entries from dlc_mpVinewoodCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 27469] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpHeist3CRC:/content.xml [ 27594] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 20 handling entries from dlc_mpHeist3CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 27750] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpSumCRC:/content.xml [ 27812] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 15 handling entries from dlc_mpSumCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 27953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpHeist4CRC:/content.xml [ 28094] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 20 handling entries from dlc_mpHeist4CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 28250] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpTunerCRC:/content.xml [ 28344] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 17 handling entries from dlc_mpTunerCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 28469] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpSecurityCRC:/content.xml [ 28594] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 16 handling entries from dlc_mpSecurityCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 28750] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpG9ECCRC:/content.xml [ 28781] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_MPSUM2CRC:/content.xml [ 28859] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 18 handling entries from dlc_mpSum2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 29016] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_MPSUM2_G9ECCRC:/content.xml [ 29031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_MPCHRISTMAS3CRC:/content.xml [ 29125] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 13 handling entries from dlc_mpChristmas3CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 29328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_MPCHRISTMAS3_G9ECCRC:/content.xml [ 29328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_MP2023_01CRC:/content.xml [ 29422] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 14 handling entries from dlc_mp2023_01CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 29578] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_MP2023_01_G9ECCRC:/content.xml [ 29578] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcSPUpgradeCRC:/content.xml [ 29609] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 12 handling entries from dlcSPUpgrade:/common/data/handling.meta [ 31609] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDLCScript INIT_SESSION init (17 out of 18) [ 31609] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngineDLC INIT_SESSION init (18 out of 18) [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading mounted data files (total: 67) [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack2:/. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack2:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9870. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack3:/. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack3:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9870. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading EXPLOSIONFX_FILE nve:/common/data/effects/explosionfx.dat. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve:/common/data/effects/explosionfx.dat in data file mounter 0x141af7f30. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve:/x64/nve_proppatches.ityp. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve:/x64/nve_proppatches.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e3f48. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack16:/. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack16:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9870. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpbeach/carcols.meta. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpbeach/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31672] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpbiker/carcols.meta. [ 31687] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpbiker/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31687] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpbusiness/carcols.meta. [ 31703] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpbusiness/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31703] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpbusiness2/carcols.meta. [ 31703] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpbusiness2/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31703] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpexecutive/carcols.meta. [ 31703] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpexecutive/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31703] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpgunrunning/carcols.meta. [ 31719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpgunrunning/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpheist/carcols.meta. [ 31734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpheist/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mphipster/carcols.meta. [ 31734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mphipster/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpimportexport/carcols.meta. [ 31750] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpimportexport/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31750] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpluxe2/carcols.meta. [ 31766] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpluxe2/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31766] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mppilot/carcols.meta. [ 31766] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mppilot/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31766] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpsmuggler/carcols.meta. [ 31766] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpsmuggler/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31766] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpspecialraces/carcols.meta. [ 31766] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpspecialraces/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31766] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpstunt/carcols.meta. [ 31781] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpstunt/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31781] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpchristmas2017/carcols.meta. [ 31812] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpchristmas2017/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31812] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpassault/carcols.meta. [ 31828] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpassault/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31828] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpapartment/carcols.meta. [ 31844] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpapartment/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31844] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpbattle/carcols.meta. [ 31859] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpbattle/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31859] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpchristmas2018/carcols.meta. [ 31891] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpchristmas2018/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31891] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpvalentines2/carcols.meta. [ 31891] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpvalentines2/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31891] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpvinewood/carcols.meta. [ 31922] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpvinewood/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31922] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpheist3/carcols.meta. [ 31953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpheist3/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 31953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/auto_exotics/gardoor_game.dat. [ 31953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/auto_exotics/gardoor_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 31953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE auto_exotics. [ 31953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading auto_exotics in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9870. [ 31953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE edynuyllj. [ 31953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading edynuyllj in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9870. [ 31953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE emmello_super_secret. [ 31953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading emmello_super_secret in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9870. [ 31953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31953] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE NurburgringNordschleife. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading NurburgringNordschleife in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9870. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE akina. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading akina in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9870. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE casino_rallycross. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading casino_rallycross in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9870. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE daikoku. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading daikoku in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9870. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE daytona. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading daytona in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9870. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE eagle_nest_part_1. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading eagle_nest_part_1 in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9870. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE jr_bridge. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading jr_bridge in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9870. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE kag_bridge. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading kag_bridge in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9870. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE kagara_remastered. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading kagara_remastered in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9870. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE ml_convention_centre. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading ml_convention_centre in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9870. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE ml_derby. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading ml_derby in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9870. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31969] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE wangan. [ 31984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading wangan in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9870. [ 31984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffee45e9838. [ 31984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Performing deferred RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 31984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded _super_secret_garage_col.ybn (id 14391) [ 31984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded _super_secret_warehouse_col.ybn (id 14392) [ 31984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded akina_cols.ybn (id 14364) [ 31984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded akina_terrain.ybn (id 14365) [ 32016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset _super_secret_garage_col.ybn. [ 32016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 14402, when there are only 10492 vertices. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset _super_secret_garage_col.ybn. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 14 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64995, when there are only 834 vertices. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset _super_secret_garage_col.ybn. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 174, when there are only 104 vertices. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset _super_secret_garage_col.ybn. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 9424, when there are only 4140 vertices. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset _super_secret_garage_col.ybn. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1240, when there are only 1174 vertices. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset _super_secret_garage_col.ybn. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 11 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65457, when there are only 1564 vertices. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset _super_secret_garage_col.ybn. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 12 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65239, when there are only 1404 vertices. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset _super_secret_garage_col.ybn. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4968, when there are only 1976 vertices. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset _super_secret_warehouse_col.ybn. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 22222, when there are only 15913 vertices. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset _super_secret_warehouse_col.ybn. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2223, when there are only 1236 vertices. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset _super_secret_warehouse_col.ybn. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 415, when there are only 412 vertices. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset _super_secret_warehouse_col.ybn. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2529, when there are only 1646 vertices. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset _super_secret_warehouse_col.ybn. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 520 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62438, when there are only 2658 vertices. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset _super_secret_warehouse_col.ybn. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64900, when there are only 4330 vertices. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset _super_secret_warehouse_col.ybn. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 28 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1869, when there are only 1618 vertices. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset _super_secret_warehouse_col.ybn. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 141, when there are only 96 vertices. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset _super_secret_warehouse_col.ybn. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 144 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 49008, when there are only 9480 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded bam_jdm.ybn (id 14367) [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded bam_jdm02.ybn (id 14368) [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded bh1_47_0.ybn (id 1503) [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded bldg_nurb_dorint.ybn (id 14349) [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 14 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4494, when there are only 4303 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65437, when there are only 290 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64632, when there are only 2601 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 26 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64409, when there are only 4054 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 14 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 55, when there are only 42 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_dorint.ybn. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 94, when there are only 50 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_dorint.ybn. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 58060, when there are only 7293 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_dorint.ybn. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1926, when there are only 1925 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_dorint.ybn. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 552, when there are only 256 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_dorint.ybn. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5434, when there are only 2749 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_dorint.ybn. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 16216, when there are only 10221 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_dorint.ybn. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65510, when there are only 607 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_dorint.ybn. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 14441, when there are only 6668 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_dorint.ybn. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 452, when there are only 162 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_dorint.ybn. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65349, when there are only 472 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_dorint.ybn. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65510, when there are only 88 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded bldg_nurb_grandstand_001.ybn (id 14350) [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded bldg_nurb_grandstand_002.ybn (id 14351) [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_dorint.ybn. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 107, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded bldg_nurb_grandstand_003.ybn (id 14352) [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_dorint.ybn. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1419, when there are only 1188 vertices. [ 32156] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded bldg_nurb_pitoppbuilding.ybn (id 14353) [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_pitoppbuilding.ybn. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 58700, when there are only 3486 vertices. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_pitoppbuilding.ybn. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63771, when there are only 3999 vertices. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_pitoppbuilding.ybn. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1394, when there are only 600 vertices. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_pitoppbuilding.ybn. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 324, when there are only 241 vertices. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_pitoppbuilding.ybn. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65478, when there are only 476 vertices. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_pitoppbuilding.ybn. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1166, when there are only 726 vertices. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_pitoppbuilding.ybn. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65124, when there are only 955 vertices. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_002.ybn. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6052, when there are only 4436 vertices. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_002.ybn. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 55118, when there are only 7816 vertices. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_002.ybn. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 33085, when there are only 18018 vertices. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_002.ybn. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64753, when there are only 1386 vertices. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_001.ybn. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65438, when there are only 80 vertices. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_001.ybn. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65430, when there are only 72 vertices. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_001.ybn. [ 32172] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65411, when there are only 200 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_001.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 223, when there are only 219 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_001.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65374, when there are only 406 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_001.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1182, when there are only 767 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_001.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65094, when there are only 232 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_001.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64383, when there are only 2677 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_001.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64555, when there are only 2174 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_001.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65393, when there are only 1343 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_001.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3406, when there are only 3086 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_001.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62198, when there are only 1916 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_001.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6850, when there are only 3826 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_001.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65494, when there are only 68 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_001.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 37990, when there are only 21279 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_001.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64303, when there are only 4836 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_003.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 484, when there are only 286 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_003.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64387, when there are only 3205 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_003.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 95, when there are only 88 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_003.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 13982, when there are only 7320 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_003.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64743, when there are only 8827 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bldg_nurb_grandstand_003.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 50, when there are only 50 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded ch3_03_0.ybn (id 7362) [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_day_asphalt_latest.ybn (id 14376) [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_day_concrete.ybn (id 14377) [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_day_grass.ybn (id 14378) [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_03_0.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 600, when there are only 457 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_03_0.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 51 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65507, when there are only 2768 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_03_0.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 937, when there are only 611 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_03_0.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65374, when there are only 950 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_03_0.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1179, when there are only 831 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_03_0.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1811, when there are only 1007 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_03_0.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64979, when there are only 1528 vertices. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_03_0.ybn. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 32187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 700, when there are only 621 vertices. [ 32234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_day_metal.ybn (id 14379) [ 32234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_der_adds.ybn (id 14404) [ 32234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_derby.ybn (id 14405) [ 32234] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_eagle_nest_moved.ybn (id 14380) [ 32312] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_en_rocks.ybn (id 14381) [ 32312] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_en_rocks_b.ybn (id 14382) [ 32312] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_en_rocks_c.ybn (id 14383) [ 32312] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_en_rocks_d.ybn (id 14384) [ 32719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_en_rocks_e.ybn (id 14385) [ 32719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_en_rocks_f.ybn (id 14386) [ 32719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_jr_u2j.ybn (id 14394) [ 32719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_jr_u2j_p2.ybn (id 14395) [ 32937] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_kag_br_p2.ybn (id 14396) [ 32937] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_1.ybn (id 14406) [ 32937] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_11.ybn (id 14407) [ 32937] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_12.ybn (id 14408) [ 32984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_13.ybn (id 14409) [ 32984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_13b.ybn (id 14410) [ 32984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_14.ybn (id 14411) [ 32984] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_15.ybn (id 14412) [ 33031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_16.ybn (id 14413) [ 33031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_17.ybn (id 14414) [ 33031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_18.ybn (id 14415) [ 33031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_19.ybn (id 14416) [ 33047] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_19b.ybn (id 14417) [ 33047] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_2.ybn (id 14418) [ 33047] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_20.ybn (id 14419) [ 33047] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_21.ybn (id 14420) [ 33094] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_21b.ybn (id 14421) [ 33094] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_22.ybn (id 14422) [ 33094] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_23.ybn (id 14423) [ 33094] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_24.ybn (id 14424) [ 33156] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_25.ybn (id 14425) [ 33156] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_26.ybn (id 14426) [ 33156] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_3.ybn (id 14427) [ 33156] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_4.ybn (id 14428) [ 33250] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_4b.ybn (id 14429) [ 33250] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_5.ybn (id 14430) [ 33250] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_6.ybn (id 14431) [ 33250] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_6b.ybn (id 14432) [ 33281] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_7.ybn (id 14433) [ 33281] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_8.ybn (id 14434) [ 33281] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_to_s_9.ybn (id 14435) [ 33281] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_wan_d11_parking_lot.ybn (id 14436) [ 33328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_wan_d1_exits.ybn (id 14437) [ 33328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_wan_d1_exits_001.ybn (id 14438) [ 33328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_wan_d25_daikoku.ybn (id 14370) [ 33328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_wan_d25_daikoku_2.ybn (id 14371) [ 33359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_wan_d25_daikoku_3.ybn (id 14372) [ 33359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_wan_d25_daikoku_4.ybn (id 14373) [ 33359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_wan_d25_daikoku_5.ybn (id 14374) [ 33359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_wan_d25_daikoku_6_specials.ybn (id 14375) [ 33375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset col_wan_d25_daikoku_4.ybn. [ 33375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2914 has edge -32731 which is > 34387 [ 33391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset col_wan_d25_daikoku_5.ybn. [ 33391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 30309 has edge -29017 which is > 45082 [ 33391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_wan_d26_parking_lot.ybn (id 14439) [ 33391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_wan_d3_exits_001_new.ybn (id 14440) [ 33391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_wan_d3_exits_002_new.ybn (id 14441) [ 33391] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded col_wan_d3_exits_new.ybn (id 14442) [ 33422] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset col_wan_d3_exits_002_new.ybn. [ 33422] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33422] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3014 has edge -30899 which is > 40097 [ 33422] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset col_wan_d3_exits_new.ybn. [ 33422] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33422] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 31595 has edge -31630 which is > 41579 [ 33437] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset col_wan_d3_exits_001_new.ybn. [ 33437] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33437] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 10719 has edge -18273 which is > 47326 [ 33437] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cols_cr_complete.ybn (id 14369) [ 33437] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cols_jr_akagi_irohazaka.ybn (id 14443) [ 33437] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cols_jr_irohazaka.ybn (id 14444) [ 33437] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cols_jr_mt_haruna_2.ybn (id 14445) [ 33469] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cols_jr_myogi.ybn (id 14446) [ 33469] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cols_jr_rest.ybn (id 14447) [ 33469] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cols_jr_shomaru_and_detail.ybn (id 14448) [ 33469] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cols_jr_usui.ybn (id 14449) [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded conv_centre_col.ybn (id 14403) [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_09_0.ybn (id 2574) [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cs4_14_0.ybn (id 5559) [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cs4_14_hickbar_col.ybn (id 14388) [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_09_0.ybn. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2020, when there are only 1551 vertices. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_09_0.ybn. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3026, when there are only 2828 vertices. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_09_0.ybn. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 209, when there are only 175 vertices. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_09_0.ybn. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 238, when there are only 175 vertices. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_09_0.ybn. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 30 vertices. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_0.ybn. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 130 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65523, when there are only 1327 vertices. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_0.ybn. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 90 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65186, when there are only 1076 vertices. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_0.ybn. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 32 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 109, when there are only 76 vertices. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_hickbar_col.ybn. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65525, when there are only 32 vertices. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_hickbar_col.ybn. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 579, when there are only 343 vertices. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_hickbar_col.ybn. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 313, when there are only 184 vertices. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_hickbar_col.ybn. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65522, when there are only 124 vertices. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_hickbar_col.ybn. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 174, when there are only 124 vertices. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_hickbar_col.ybn. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 920, when there are only 837 vertices. [ 33516] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset conv_centre_col.ybn. [ 33516] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33516] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 19768 has edge -31413 which is > 42442 [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cs4_14_tmp_trlr_002_col.ybn (id 14389) [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded d6_aki_rail_vista_fixes.ybn (id 14366) [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded dt1_05_woffm_1.ybn (id 418) [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded dt1_09_0.ybn (id 438) [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_09_0.ybn. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65479, when there are only 124 vertices. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_09_0.ybn. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3313, when there are only 1707 vertices. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_09_0.ybn. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62672, when there are only 2490 vertices. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_09_0.ybn. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65221, when there are only 669 vertices. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_tmp_trlr_002_col.ybn. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65526, when there are only 34 vertices. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded dt1_rd1_4.ybn (id 497) [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_tmp_trlr_002_col.ybn. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65466, when there are only 115 vertices. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded edynu_caravan_col.ybn (id 14390) [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_tmp_trlr_002_col.ybn. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 13, when there are only 13 vertices. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded en_col_buildings.ybn (id 14387) [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_tmp_trlr_002_col.ybn. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 19, when there are only 14 vertices. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_hw1_rd_2.ybn (id 9689) [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_rd1_4.ybn. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 76 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65383, when there are only 2281 vertices. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_rd1_4.ybn. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 927 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65471, when there are only 1555 vertices. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_hw1_rd_2.ybn. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 111 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65522, when there are only 586 vertices. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_hw1_rd_2.ybn. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64162, when there are only 2510 vertices. [ 33547] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_vb_34_2.ybn (id 10330) [ 33547] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch3_03_15.ybn (id 7399) [ 33547] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs1_09_0.ybn (id 2605) [ 33547] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs4_14_0.ybn (id 5575) [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch3_03_15.ybn. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 85 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65352, when there are only 4846 vertices. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch3_03_15.ybn. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 166, when there are only 158 vertices. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs4_14_0.ybn. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 67 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63838, when there are only 4760 vertices. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_09_0.ybn. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 32 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64593, when there are only 3529 vertices. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_09_0.ybn. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 77 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65522, when there are only 2184 vertices. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_09_0.ybn. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 162 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 447, when there are only 440 vertices. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hw1_18_0.ybn (id 567) [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@id2_13_0.ybn (id 809) [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@kt1_06_0.ybn (id 1591) [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@kt1_08_0.ybn (id 1597) [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@kt1_06_0.ybn. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1180 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65528, when there are only 10550 vertices. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@kt1_06_0.ybn. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 161 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64160, when there are only 1838 vertices. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@kt1_08_0.ybn. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 96 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65326, when there are only 4409 vertices. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@kt1_08_0.ybn. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 8 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 162, when there are only 162 vertices. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id2_13_0.ybn. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65500, when there are only 261 vertices. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@kt1_09_0.ybn (id 1600) [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@sm_22_0.ybn (id 1783) [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@v_hicksbar.ybn (id 8520) [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hidt1_rd1_9.ybn (id 14348) [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sm_22_0.ybn. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 20 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3424, when there are only 3412 vertices. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sm_22_0.ybn. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 30, when there are only 20 vertices. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@kt1_09_0.ybn. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 57 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65258, when there are only 9262 vertices. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@kt1_09_0.ybn. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 35 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 325, when there are only 325 vertices. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@kt1_09_0.ybn. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33562] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64940, when there are only 389 vertices. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hidt1_rd1_9.ybn. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 690 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64654, when there are only 11510 vertices. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hidt1_rd1_9.ybn. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 645 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63705, when there are only 9127 vertices. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hidt1_rd1_9.ybn. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 167 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 60804, when there are only 4497 vertices. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hidt1_rd1_9.ybn. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 48 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65452, when there are only 480 vertices. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hw1_18_0.ybn (id 568) [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_13_0.ybn (id 810) [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_13_build19_new_col.ybn (id 14393) [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded kag_asphalt.ybn (id 14397) [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_13_0.ybn. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4015, when there are only 3952 vertices. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_13_0.ybn. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 14 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 66, when there are only 54 vertices. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hw1_18_0.ybn. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63677, when there are only 2008 vertices. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hw1_18_0.ybn. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3076 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61542, when there are only 12486 vertices. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_13_build19_new_col.ybn. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33578] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 16857, when there are only 11979 vertices. [ 33594] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded kag_col_terrain_v2.ybn (id 14398) [ 33594] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded kag_concrete.ybn (id 14399) [ 33594] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded kag_houses.ybn (id 14400) [ 33594] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded kag_rail.ybn (id 14401) [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded kag_stones.ybn (id 14402) [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded kt1_06_0.ybn (id 1592) [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded kt1_08_0.ybn (id 1598) [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded kt1_09_0.ybn (id 1602) [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_06_0.ybn. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 32 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65520, when there are only 1066 vertices. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_06_0.ybn. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65388, when there are only 1969 vertices. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_08_0.ybn. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 75, when there are only 32 vertices. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_08_0.ybn. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3636, when there are only 3135 vertices. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_08_0.ybn. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65530, when there are only 2488 vertices. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_09_0.ybn. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65461, when there are only 3125 vertices. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_09_0.ybn. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 764 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 3298 vertices. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_09_0.ybn. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2114, when there are only 1584 vertices. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_09_0.ybn. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33719] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65516, when there are only 108 vertices. [ 33734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded nordschleife1.ybn (id 14354) [ 33734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded nordschleife2.ybn (id 14355) [ 33734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded nordschleife_curve.ybn (id 14356) [ 33734] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded nordschleife_touristfahren.ybn (id 14357) [ 33891] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33891] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33891] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65512, when there are only 32 vertices. [ 33891] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33891] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33891] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3551, when there are only 1283 vertices. [ 33891] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33891] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33891] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64855, when there are only 1605 vertices. [ 33891] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33891] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33891] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61684, when there are only 7506 vertices. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 262 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65404, when there are only 2328 vertices. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 100 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1429, when there are only 1365 vertices. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 142, when there are only 127 vertices. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 12652, when there are only 11207 vertices. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 680, when there are only 445 vertices. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65139, when there are only 280 vertices. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 38524, when there are only 22101 vertices. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 400, when there are only 324 vertices. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64506, when there are only 2089 vertices. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62437, when there are only 1953 vertices. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64815, when there are only 394 vertices. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 41540, when there are only 17444 vertices. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 82 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 38151, when there are only 16682 vertices. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33906] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 27370, when there are only 14641 vertices. [ 33922] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33922] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33922] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63028, when there are only 24695 vertices. [ 33922] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33922] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33922] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 192 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 16598, when there are only 15013 vertices. [ 33922] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33922] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33922] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 8462, when there are only 8195 vertices. [ 33922] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33922] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33922] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64404, when there are only 19239 vertices. [ 33922] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33922] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33922] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 58908, when there are only 8220 vertices. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64067, when there are only 17199 vertices. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64613, when there are only 1992 vertices. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61891, when there are only 5718 vertices. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 18389, when there are only 10573 vertices. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 21476, when there are only 8111 vertices. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 72 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64497, when there are only 9223 vertices. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65501, when there are only 71 vertices. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 57675, when there are only 4443 vertices. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2557, when there are only 994 vertices. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65091, when there are only 602 vertices. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65104, when there are only 901 vertices. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5658, when there are only 2091 vertices. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33937] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64699, when there are only 6402 vertices. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 60318, when there are only 8849 vertices. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2237, when there are only 1267 vertices. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 12 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6908, when there are only 3883 vertices. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65439, when there are only 1974 vertices. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 7453, when there are only 3006 vertices. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 56424, when there are only 6913 vertices. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 21651, when there are only 7365 vertices. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 8535, when there are only 4349 vertices. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife1.ybn. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 148 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 9579, when there are only 6207 vertices. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44673, when there are only 12408 vertices. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 15844, when there are only 15560 vertices. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 19819, when there are only 16976 vertices. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 53024, when there are only 10848 vertices. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 24 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 8358, when there are only 8144 vertices. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1268, when there are only 1260 vertices. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 26264, when there are only 13731 vertices. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61125, when there are only 3623 vertices. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 55 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65161, when there are only 8088 vertices. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5682, when there are only 2177 vertices. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62943, when there are only 12710 vertices. [ 33969] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 16051, when there are only 13627 vertices. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 30 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 59318, when there are only 10959 vertices. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 145 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 59505, when there are only 18674 vertices. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 46325, when there are only 14753 vertices. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 55, when there are only 34 vertices. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65525, when there are only 192 vertices. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 8 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 7467, when there are only 4673 vertices. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1036, when there are only 833 vertices. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 33984] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 51057, when there are only 7270 vertices. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 57647, when there are only 6600 vertices. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65523, when there are only 6550 vertices. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 112 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6404, when there are only 6253 vertices. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 71 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64466, when there are only 13100 vertices. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 470 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4508, when there are only 4400 vertices. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 56345, when there are only 8400 vertices. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34000] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 48 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65275, when there are only 12903 vertices. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 7811, when there are only 3520 vertices. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64487, when there are only 4503 vertices. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 36 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64433, when there are only 10004 vertices. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 16175, when there are only 12976 vertices. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 59268, when there are only 7273 vertices. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 57964, when there are only 15010 vertices. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 20609, when there are only 10240 vertices. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 49314, when there are only 13770 vertices. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 52773, when there are only 9003 vertices. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 266, when there are only 123 vertices. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 103 vertices. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65501, when there are only 50 vertices. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64777, when there are only 628 vertices. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded nordschleife_track.ybn (id 14358) [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn (id 14359) [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded nurburgring_gp.ybn (id 14360) [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nordschleife2.ybn. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 504, when there are only 334 vertices. [ 34031] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn (id 14361) [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1095, when there are only 1080 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 17402, when there are only 7017 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65352, when there are only 410 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65213, when there are only 2080 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1778, when there are only 1540 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 12494, when there are only 5152 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64773, when there are only 1170 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65494, when there are only 59 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61890, when there are only 2208 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65442, when there are only 348 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3022, when there are only 1588 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 75, when there are only 48 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65084, when there are only 868 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 92 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 680, when there are only 611 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1485, when there are only 552 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65272, when there are only 284 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2553, when there are only 1854 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2982, when there are only 1974 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 185, when there are only 170 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1662, when there are only 1209 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64032, when there are only 1080 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64913, when there are only 2002 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 362, when there are only 304 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 940, when there are only 430 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 59394, when there are only 3312 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 31 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2500, when there are only 1290 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65297, when there are only 246 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1975, when there are only 1776 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 60804, when there are only 4399 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 214, when there are only 144 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1621, when there are only 896 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 280, when there are only 152 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 59485, when there are only 4656 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4413, when there are only 3483 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 685, when there are only 497 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 130, when there are only 72 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65002, when there are only 280 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 255, when there are only 136 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65485, when there are only 579 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 950, when there are only 440 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 311, when there are only 218 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 14420, when there are only 4833 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4494, when there are only 1861 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63352, when there are only 4600 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 59329, when there are only 8055 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 138, when there are only 136 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 638, when there are only 356 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 11 vertices. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34187] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65112, when there are only 544 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2464, when there are only 1484 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 543, when there are only 284 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62607, when there are only 3755 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 125 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3408, when there are only 3154 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63483, when there are only 2680 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61552, when there are only 3216 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64576, when there are only 795 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 187, when there are only 104 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64234, when there are only 982 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 476 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 15603, when there are only 14832 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65483, when there are only 80 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62916, when there are only 1456 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62763, when there are only 3752 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 300, when there are only 252 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 59728, when there are only 3752 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2989, when there are only 1980 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65458, when there are only 394 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65371, when there are only 383 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3842, when there are only 1383 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 11 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 7743, when there are only 3882 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 260, when there are only 158 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65234, when there are only 336 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62170, when there are only 3412 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 11761, when there are only 4021 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6399, when there are only 3006 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 573, when there are only 341 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 9087, when there are only 6630 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 8 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 628, when there are only 602 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 495, when there are only 292 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2761, when there are only 1560 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65334, when there are only 338 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 321, when there are only 170 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 242, when there are only 135 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4878, when there are only 2932 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65499, when there are only 48 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63556, when there are only 2748 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65339, when there are only 112 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2705, when there are only 2176 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 729, when there are only 248 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 758, when there are only 408 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65503, when there are only 54 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 56877, when there are only 6332 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 354, when there are only 156 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65471, when there are only 612 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 7950, when there are only 4895 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64730, when there are only 999 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 10172, when there are only 5370 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65368, when there are only 421 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65092, when there are only 1020 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3657, when there are only 2202 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1435, when there are only 1008 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65378, when there are only 161 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64028, when there are only 1064 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65498, when there are only 132 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65018, when there are only 352 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 210, when there are only 120 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 59356, when there are only 4757 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65522, when there are only 16 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65454, when there are only 60 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 30, when there are only 24 vertices. [ 34203] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2490, when there are only 1377 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2729, when there are only 1290 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1476, when there are only 935 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 11680, when there are only 6114 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 348, when there are only 303 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2480, when there are only 1854 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61348, when there are only 3858 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65265, when there are only 160 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64512, when there are only 1050 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65398, when there are only 206 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 942, when there are only 592 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 82, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 7062, when there are only 5152 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65450, when there are only 720 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65485, when there are only 84 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64468, when there are only 604 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65495, when there are only 699 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65475, when there are only 88 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2552, when there are only 1008 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 505, when there are only 272 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64843, when there are only 6520 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64212, when there are only 1153 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63535, when there are only 2340 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65339, when there are only 280 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64765, when there are only 1560 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 477, when there are only 270 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1706, when there are only 837 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65005, when there are only 1006 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2742, when there are only 1968 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 127 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 57628, when there are only 5403 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 538 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 8419, when there are only 7546 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64952, when there are only 568 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65026, when there are only 5008 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61860, when there are only 4284 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 519, when there are only 367 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65330, when there are only 2662 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 57948, when there are only 11064 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 366, when there are only 350 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65376, when there are only 930 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1029, when there are only 472 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 50, when there are only 48 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2951, when there are only 1752 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 11691, when there are only 5608 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 250, when there are only 240 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 7120, when there are only 3728 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62855, when there are only 4972 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 291 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3882, when there are only 2511 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 415, when there are only 180 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3213, when there are only 1182 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 770, when there are only 445 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62347, when there are only 6576 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 402, when there are only 378 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63670, when there are only 1650 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 56742, when there are only 8055 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61113, when there are only 3409 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65103, when there are only 429 vertices. [ 34219] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 1586 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 11262, when there are only 5259 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62646, when there are only 4049 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 522, when there are only 320 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 718, when there are only 706 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1109, when there are only 464 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65306, when there are only 601 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 15 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63616, when there are only 1776 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64731, when there are only 416 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6793, when there are only 2622 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64965, when there are only 744 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 21 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65483, when there are only 119 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 176, when there are only 92 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5818, when there are only 4331 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64907, when there are only 2718 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2239, when there are only 1032 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65355, when there are only 786 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4342, when there are only 3306 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 870, when there are only 364 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1793, when there are only 1776 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64599, when there are only 3552 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 647, when there are only 232 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64677, when there are only 2931 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64240, when there are only 1938 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63487, when there are only 3110 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61045, when there are only 7846 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1989, when there are only 1372 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4876, when there are only 2998 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 607, when there are only 392 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5377, when there are only 2676 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5865, when there are only 2970 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65496, when there are only 525 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 59009, when there are only 5602 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2811, when there are only 1962 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 660, when there are only 585 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63932, when there are only 3600 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4498, when there are only 2126 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64186, when there are only 1434 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3360, when there are only 1604 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 345, when there are only 214 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1061, when there are only 776 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2950, when there are only 1790 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 862, when there are only 720 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2760, when there are only 1467 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 253, when there are only 114 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64895, when there are only 766 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2439, when there are only 2008 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63609, when there are only 1176 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63763, when there are only 10032 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61281, when there are only 7514 vertices. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64177, when there are only 20381 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62015, when there are only 5670 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 30864, when there are only 15271 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 58070, when there are only 4404 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63443, when there are only 3590 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65517, when there are only 690 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 58580, when there are only 6518 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 7038, when there are only 5505 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3012, when there are only 2760 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3999, when there are only 2703 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64502, when there are only 2832 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 60651, when there are only 19194 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65406, when there are only 129 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65222, when there are only 5056 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65104, when there are only 738 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63377, when there are only 12817 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65388, when there are only 808 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61412, when there are only 5427 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64068, when there are only 1528 vertices. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34250] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61992, when there are only 6070 vertices. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 22765, when there are only 20885 vertices. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 39445, when there are only 25322 vertices. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1695, when there are only 1188 vertices. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1464, when there are only 1228 vertices. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3350, when there are only 3011 vertices. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 56522, when there are only 5139 vertices. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 56670, when there are only 9378 vertices. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44871, when there are only 15294 vertices. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34266] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 46328, when there are only 25904 vertices. [ 34281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 32517, when there are only 25904 vertices. [ 34281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 35490, when there are only 25904 vertices. [ 34281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 20 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 35869, when there are only 22204 vertices. [ 34281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 25994, when there are only 13502 vertices. [ 34281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 18253, when there are only 13502 vertices. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62727, when there are only 13502 vertices. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4739, when there are only 4471 vertices. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65380, when there are only 4471 vertices. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 10746, when there are only 4471 vertices. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44175, when there are only 27108 vertices. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63396, when there are only 22050 vertices. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61142, when there are only 3140 vertices. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 9895, when there are only 5080 vertices. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62594, when there are only 10383 vertices. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 527 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6452, when there are only 5751 vertices. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 95, when there are only 47 vertices. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65510, when there are only 31 vertices. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65527, when there are only 24 vertices. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 39, when there are only 24 vertices. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 25 vertices. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65529, when there are only 14 vertices. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34297] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 40474, when there are only 25062 vertices. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 52303, when there are only 25322 vertices. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 8 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64499, when there are only 12531 vertices. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurb_pitbuilding_rceday.ybn. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 51541, when there are only 25322 vertices. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 194, when there are only 119 vertices. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65418, when there are only 394 vertices. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 52 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 15348, when there are only 12218 vertices. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 838, when there are only 360 vertices. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65209, when there are only 970 vertices. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 18 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5402, when there are only 2356 vertices. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34312] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 7947, when there are only 6576 vertices. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65017, when there are only 26304 vertices. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63920, when there are only 19728 vertices. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 31546, when there are only 28386 vertices. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63245, when there are only 1660 vertices. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65070, when there are only 12501 vertices. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 12 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6608, when there are only 6573 vertices. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34328] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61008, when there are only 28386 vertices. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 11057, when there are only 4737 vertices. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 7389, when there are only 2584 vertices. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3054, when there are only 1660 vertices. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65151, when there are only 489 vertices. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64620, when there are only 1191 vertices. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 7947, when there are only 3264 vertices. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1427, when there are only 1144 vertices. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 23853, when there are only 14577 vertices. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 47207, when there are only 19068 vertices. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 46694, when there are only 22078 vertices. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 46903, when there are only 30078 vertices. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 60 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63765, when there are only 5377 vertices. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34344] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 53679, when there are only 22542 vertices. [ 34359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63770, when there are only 1938 vertices. [ 34359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 31420, when there are only 26299 vertices. [ 34359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 34210, when there are only 28091 vertices. [ 34359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 32135, when there are only 27076 vertices. [ 34359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 37805, when there are only 22542 vertices. [ 34375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 53142, when there are only 27960 vertices. [ 34375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 51695, when there are only 24078 vertices. [ 34375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65423, when there are only 1117 vertices. [ 34375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64884, when there are only 3388 vertices. [ 34375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 42291, when there are only 23300 vertices. [ 34375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34375] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 40522, when there are only 24185 vertices. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3586, when there are only 2100 vertices. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 12262, when there are only 11716 vertices. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 54065, when there are only 7736 vertices. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 56402, when there are only 23300 vertices. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65435, when there are only 916 vertices. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 41432, when there are only 27076 vertices. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64983, when there are only 13397 vertices. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34391] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 52762, when there are only 18648 vertices. [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65433, when there are only 3030 vertices. [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 16786, when there are only 16440 vertices. [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 21230, when there are only 11271 vertices. [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nurburgring_gp_trailers.ybn. [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 46813, when there are only 18640 vertices. [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded ring_add_cols.ybn (id 14362) [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded ring_cols.ybn (id 14363) [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded sp1_10_0.ybn (id 1679) [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded ss1_rd1_0.ybn (id 1015) [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ss1_rd1_0.ybn. [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 19 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1023, when there are only 1014 vertices. [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ss1_rd1_0.ybn. [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 34 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1897, when there are only 1791 vertices. [ 34437] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded ss1_rd1_4.ybn (id 1022) [ 34437] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded tokyo_base_cols.ybn (id 14450) [ 34437] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded v_hicksbar.ybn (id 8521) [ 34437] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded v_stadium.ybn (id 8591) [ 34437] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ss1_rd1_4.ybn. [ 34437] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34437] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6917, when there are only 2816 vertices. [ 34437] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ss1_rd1_4.ybn. [ 34437] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34437] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 417, when there are only 299 vertices. [ 34437] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ss1_rd1_4.ybn. [ 34437] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34437] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64644, when there are only 1483 vertices. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded vb_34_2.ybn (id 1935) [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded vb_34_7.ybn (id 1940) [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded vb_35_0.ybn (id 1950) [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_34_7.ybn. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 67 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65490, when there are only 708 vertices. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_34_7.ybn. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 55, when there are only 44 vertices. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_34_7.ybn. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64688, when there are only 3076 vertices. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_34_7.ybn. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2991, when there are only 2202 vertices. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_34_7.ybn. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 144, when there are only 136 vertices. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_34_7.ybn. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 44 vertices. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_35_0.ybn. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 61 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65528, when there are only 957 vertices. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_35_0.ybn. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2242, when there are only 2237 vertices. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_35_0.ybn. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4593, when there are only 2109 vertices. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_35_0.ybn. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65417, when there are only 1705 vertices. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_35_0.ybn. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3375, when there are only 1542 vertices. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_35_0.ybn. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 125, when there are only 110 vertices. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_35_0.ybn. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 34469] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 18 vertices. [ 35922] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Mounted gtxd parenting data resources:/NurburgringNordschleife/data/gtxd.meta [ 35922] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_SESSION init functions! [ 36062] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^2Game finished loading! [ 36094] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ HostState transitioning from HS_IDLE to HS_LOADED [ 36156] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ HostState transitioning from HS_LOADED to HS_START_HOSTING [ 36187] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ HostState transitioning from HS_START_HOSTING to HS_HOSTING [ 36203] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ HostState transitioning from HS_HOSTING to HS_HOSTING_NET_GAME [ 36812] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ HostState transitioning from HS_HOSTING_NET_GAME to HS_HOSTED [ 36828] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sessionmanager [ 36828] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for monitor [ 36844] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for mapmanager [ 36844] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 37312] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for chat [ 37328] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 37344] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for spawnmanager [ 37344] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for basic-gamemode [ 37359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for hardcap [ 37359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for baseevents [ 37359] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 37375] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for vMenu [ 37547] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded vMenuClient.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1791213959 [ 37547] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded MenuAPI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1791213959 [ 37562] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script MenuAPI.MenuController. [ 37578] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script vMenuClient.EventManager. [ 37578] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script vMenuClient.FunctionsController. [ 37578] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Registering Tick for attributed method DisableMovement [ 37594] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script vMenuClient.MainMenu. [ 37594] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script vMenuClient.MpPedDataManager. [ 37594] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script vMenuClient.NoClip. [ 37594] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 37609] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for final_teleport [ 37609] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ ^3Warning: Texture script_rt_dials_race (in txd vehicles_race_generic.ytd) was set to a compressed texture format, but 'script_rt' textures should always be uncompressed. [ 37609] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This file was likely processed by a bad tool. To improve load performance and reduce the risk of it crashing, fix or update the tool used.^7 [ 37609] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for maploader [ 37609] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for world_boundaries [ 37625] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Dropping duplicate player for netID 26 (slotID 128). [ 37781] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning device Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio) for GUID {EB131A24-CE7F-4B02-AFC4-402B0AFB83F9} [ 37812] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed into ScriptDomain_1791213959 [ 38156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_13_build19_new_col.ybn. [ 38156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 38156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 16857, when there are only 11979 vertices. [ 39234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_radiomast02.ydr. [ 39234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 39234] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65228, when there are only 220 vertices. [ 161766] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Changing video mode. [ 161766] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Changing video mode success: 0. [ 161766] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ Changing video mode. [ 161828] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ Changing video mode success: 1. [ 161844] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ Creating backbuffer. [ 161844] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ Done creating backbuffer. [ 182891] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Changing video mode. [ 182891] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Changing video mode success: 0. [ 182891] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ Changing video mode. [ 183297] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ Changing video mode success: 1. [ 183328] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ Creating backbuffer. [ 183328] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ Done creating backbuffer. [ 251812] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Changing video mode. [ 251812] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ Changing video mode. [ 251812] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Changing video mode success: 0. [ 251812] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ Changing video mode success: 1. [ 251828] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ Creating backbuffer. [ 251828] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ Done creating backbuffer. [ 311766] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_rock_1_d.ydr. [ 311766] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 311766] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 76 vertices. [ 337953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_02.ydr. [ 337953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 337953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 18 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 189, when there are only 172 vertices. [ 337953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_02.ydr. [ 337953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 337953] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 299, when there are only 290 vertices. [ 349703] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 349703] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 349703] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 84, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 349703] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 349703] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 349703] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65473, when there are only 217 vertices. [ 360500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 360500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 360500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 14 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4494, when there are only 4303 vertices. [ 360500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 360500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 360500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65437, when there are only 290 vertices. [ 360500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 360500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 360500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64632, when there are only 2601 vertices. [ 360500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 360500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 360500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 26 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64409, when there are only 4054 vertices. [ 360500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 360500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 360500] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 14 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 55, when there are only 42 vertices. [ 372406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 372406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 372406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 84, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 372406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 372406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 372406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65473, when there are only 217 vertices. [ 377531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 377531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 377531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 84, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 377531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 377531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 377531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65473, when there are only 217 vertices. [ 379531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_radiomast02.ydr. [ 379531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 379531] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65228, when there are only 220 vertices. [ 380281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_02.ydr. [ 380281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 380281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 18 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 189, when there are only 172 vertices. [ 380281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_02.ydr. [ 380281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 380281] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 299, when there are only 290 vertices. [ 380703] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_helipad_02.ydr. [ 380703] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 380703] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 73 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 412, when there are only 388 vertices. [ 380797] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_radiomast01.ydr. [ 380797] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 380797] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65483, when there are only 553 vertices. [ 381062] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_food_van_02.ydr. [ 381062] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 381062] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 29377, when there are only 11590 vertices. [ 383547] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 383547] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 383547] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 84, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 383547] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 383547] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 383547] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65473, when there are only 217 vertices. [ 443828] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_11.ydr. [ 443828] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 443828] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 385, when there are only 376 vertices. [ 450406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_rock_1_d.ydr. [ 450406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 450406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 76 vertices. [ 453750] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 453750] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 453750] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 14 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4494, when there are only 4303 vertices. [ 453750] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 453750] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 453750] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65437, when there are only 290 vertices. [ 453750] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 453750] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 453750] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64632, when there are only 2601 vertices. [ 453750] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 453750] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 453750] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 26 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64409, when there are only 4054 vertices. [ 453750] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 453750] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 453750] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 14 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 55, when there are only 42 vertices. [ 480781] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_rock_1_d.ydr. [ 480781] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 480781] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 76 vertices. [ 483781] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_02.ydr. [ 483797] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 483797] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 18 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 189, when there are only 172 vertices. [ 483797] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_02.ydr. [ 483797] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 483797] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 299, when there are only 290 vertices. [ 543156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_02.ydr. [ 543156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 543156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 18 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 189, when there are only 172 vertices. [ 543156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_02.ydr. [ 543156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 543156] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 299, when there are only 290 vertices. [ 554453] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 554453] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 554453] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 84, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 554453] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 554453] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 554453] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65473, when there are only 217 vertices. [ 569359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 569359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 569359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 14 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4494, when there are only 4303 vertices. [ 569359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 569359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 569359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65437, when there are only 290 vertices. [ 569359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 569359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 569359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64632, when there are only 2601 vertices. [ 569359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 569359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 569359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 26 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64409, when there are only 4054 vertices. [ 569359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_47_0.ybn. [ 569359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 569359] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 14 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 55, when there are only 42 vertices. [ 592781] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 592781] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 592781] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 84, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 592781] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 592781] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 592781] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65473, when there are only 217 vertices. [ 596687] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 596687] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 596687] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 84, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 596687] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 596687] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 596687] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65473, when there are only 217 vertices. [ 615125] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_11.ydr. [ 615125] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 615125] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 385, when there are only 376 vertices. [ 616781] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_radiomast02.ydr. [ 616781] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 616781] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65228, when there are only 220 vertices. [ 619703] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_02.ydr. [ 619703] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 619703] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 18 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 189, when there are only 172 vertices. [ 619703] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_02.ydr. [ 619703] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 619703] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 299, when there are only 290 vertices. [ 622406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_helipad_02.ydr. [ 622406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 622406] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 73 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 412, when there are only 388 vertices. [ 622641] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_radiomast01.ydr. [ 622641] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 622641] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65483, when there are only 553 vertices. [ 622672] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 622672] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 622672] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 84, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 622672] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 622672] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 622672] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65473, when there are only 217 vertices. [ 624844] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_food_van_02.ydr. [ 624844] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 624844] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 29377, when there are only 11590 vertices. [ 636484] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_01.ydr. [ 636484] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 636484] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 292, when there are only 272 vertices. [ 636672] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_01.ydr. [ 636672] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 636672] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 292, when there are only 272 vertices. [ 641016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ss1_rd1_4.ybn. [ 641016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 641016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6917, when there are only 2816 vertices. [ 641016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ss1_rd1_4.ybn. [ 641016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 641016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 417, when there are only 299 vertices. [ 641016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ss1_rd1_4.ybn. [ 641016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 641016] [b2944_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64644, when there are only 1483 vertices. [ 664219] [b2944_GTAProce] Render/ Started recording [ 666250] [b2944_DumpServ] 30100/ Process crash captured. Crash dialog content: [ 666250] [b2944_DumpServ] 30100/ rage-graphics-five.dll!CaptureInternalScreenshot (0x5d0) [ 666250] [b2944_DumpServ] 30100/ An error at rage-graphics-five.dll!CaptureInternalScreenshot (0x5d0) caused FiveM to stop working. A crash report is being uploaded to the FiveM developers. [ 666250] [b2944_DumpServ] 30100/ Stack trace: [ 666250] [b2944_DumpServ] 30100/ rage-graphics-five.dll!CaptureInternalScreenshot (0x5d0) (RenderHooks.cpp:1299) [ 666250] [b2944_DumpServ] 30100/ rage-graphics-five.dll!::()::__l2::::operator() (0x15) (RenderHooks.cpp:2117) [ 666250] [b2944_DumpServ] 30100/ rage-graphics-five.dll!std::invoke (0x15) (type_traits:1576) [ 666250] [b2944_DumpServ] 30100/ rage-graphics-five.dll!fwEvent<>::Connect::__l7::::operator() (0x15) (EventCore.h:307) [ 666250] [b2944_DumpServ] 30100/ rage-graphics-five.dll!std::invoke (0x15) [ 666250] [b2944_DumpServ] 30100/ rage-graphics-five.dll!std::_Invoker_ret::_Call (0x15) (functional:659) [ 666250] [b2944_DumpServ] 30100/ rage-graphics-five.dll!std::_Func_impl_no_alloc<,bool>::_Do_call (0x19) (functional:820) [ 666250] [b2944_DumpServ] 30100/